Hey church family on Tuesday Night October 15th, 6:15 PM at the Quakertown Campus. Pastor John Decker among others will be discussing the importance of the upcoming election, and our what our christian response should be in this season.

We encourage you to come out to learn, ask questions and grow in your faith. Because so many of you have expressed interest, please make sure you register below so we can have enough tables and chairs prepared ahead of time.

Pre-Election Survey Study

Noted pollster George Barna conducted a study to determine Christians’ interest levels and viewpoints in the upcoming 2024 election:

“A Pre-Election Survey of Self-Identified Christians Who Regularly Attend Church Services, Examining Attitudes and Behaviors Related to the 2024 Election and Church Engagement in the Election Process.”

He interviewed 2,000 church-going, self-identified Christians. Here are just a few highlights:

Election Resources

Don't pay attention to campaign ads; know the issues, and vote according to biblical values! It is our duty! Here are resources to share:

Democrat & Republican Platforms

Additional Articles

Click on "Full Article" for the Truth Remarks

Statements like “Separation of Church & State! Keep your religion out of politics!” And "The church shouldn’t get political!” are all too familiar during any election season. But God has called us to be salt & light on the earth. Salt's job is to preserve something from decay. Far too often well meaning Christians want to be light, but not salt. The truth about salt is, it often burns or stings a wound before it begins to heal.

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A Christian’s Guide to the Israel and Palestine Conflict

Do you find yourself asking endless questions about how to understand the conflict in Israel? Whether you’re seeking answers for yourself or looking to discuss the issue with others, the following post is a perfect place to start.

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UN Positioning for One-World Government

Very quietly, and without fanfare, the UN very recently succeeded in adopting their new “ground-breaking” objective called, “Pact for the Future.” With no details nor discussion, it’s impossible to know the goodies that await the global organization which will, undoubtedly, morph into a new world order on what constitutes personal habits, human rights and freedoms, as well as everything connected to life and governance.

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