Experiencing Peace in the Storm: A Lesson from Mark 4:35-41

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In our summer series on the miracles of Jesus, we delve into Mark 4:35-41, where Jesus calms the storm. This passage is a powerful reminder that Jesus is the Lord of the storm, both in the natural world and in our personal lives. Let’s explore how this story can bring peace and assurance in the midst of life’s storms.

Do You Have Jesus in Your Boat?

The Importance of Jesus in Your Life

Jesus’ command to His disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake,” may seem casual, but it holds significant meaning. It underscores the necessity of having Jesus in your life, especially during turbulent times. The disciples took Jesus into the boat, and although they faced a fierce storm, His presence was crucial.

Human Nature and the Desire for Ease

We often seek safety, security, and ease. The disciples, after a long day of ministry, likely desired rest and relaxation. However, Jesus had other plans, pushing them to continue their journey. This teaches us that sometimes, God calls us to action even when we crave rest.

Life Often Gets Tougher Before It Gets Better

Unexpected Storms

The disciples anticipated a peaceful sail but encountered a violent storm. This mirrors our lives, where we often move from one stressful situation to another, sometimes facing even greater challenges. The key is to remember that Jesus is with us in every storm.

Jesus’ Humanity and Divinity

Jesus, exhausted from His ministry, slept through the storm, showcasing His humanity. Yet, His ability to calm the storm with a command reveals His divinity. This duality assures us that Jesus understands our struggles and has the power to bring peace.

God is Not Asleep

Feeling Abandoned

In the midst of the storm, the disciples felt abandoned, questioning if Jesus cared about their plight. This reflects our own feelings during difficult times when we might think God is not listening or doesn’t care.

Jesus’ Response

When the disciples woke Jesus, He rebuked the wind and waves, bringing immediate calm. This demonstrates that Jesus is always aware and ready to act, even when it seems like He is silent.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace

Authority Over Nature

Jesus’ command, “Peace, be still,” instantly calmed the storm. This shows His authority over nature and reassures us that He can bring peace to any situation in our lives.

Recognizing Jesus’ Power

The disciples were astonished by Jesus’ power, realizing they had underestimated who He was. We, too, must remember that Jesus, the Creator, is in our lives and capable of all things.

Life Application

Trusting Jesus in Every Storm

Jesus’ words, “Let’s cross to the other side,” assure us that He will see us through any storm. Trusting in His presence and power is crucial.

Questions for Reflection

1. Do you have Jesus in your life, guiding you through your storms?

2. How do you respond when you feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges?

3. Are you recognizing and relying on Jesus’ power in your daily life?

Challenge for the Week

This week, identify a storm in your life and consciously invite Jesus into that situation. Trust in His power to bring peace and believe that He will either calm the storm or carry you through it. Reflect on His past faithfulness and let that build your faith for the present and future.


Jesus is the Lord of the storm, and His presence in our lives makes all the difference. As we navigate the storms of life, let’s remember to trust in His power and peace. With Jesus in our boat, we can face any challenge, knowing that He will see us through to the other side.