Pastor Ryan – Luke 17 (5) day devotional

Ryan DeFrain   -  

Day 1: Embracing the Outcast
Devotional: In Luke 17, we see Jesus encountering ten lepers, individuals who were shunned and isolated due to their disease. Leprosy was not just a physical ailment but a social stigma that forced people to live on the fringes of society. Yet, Jesus did not hesitate to approach them. He broke societal barriers and offered them healing. This act of compassion is a powerful reminder that God embraces the outcast. No matter how society views us, God sees our worth and reaches out to us with love and mercy. We are called to do the same, to show unconditional love and acceptance to those who are marginalized and forgotten.

Verse: ‘Healthy people don’t need a doctor. Sick people do.’ – Matthew 9:12

Question: Who in your life might be feeling like an outcast, and how can you show them the love and acceptance that Jesus demonstrated?

Quote: God embraces the outcast.

Prayer: Lord, help me to see others through Your eyes. Give me the courage to reach out to those who are marginalized and show them Your love and compassion. Amen.

Day 2: Faith in Action
Devotional: The ten lepers in Luke 17 showed remarkable faith by obeying Jesus’ command to go to the priests, even before they were healed. Their willingness to act on Jesus’ words, despite not seeing immediate results, is a powerful example of faith in action. Faith is not about seeing the results first; it is about trusting and obeying God even when the outcome is uncertain. This kind of faith requires courage and trust in God’s timing and plan for our lives.

Verse: ‘And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.’ – Hebrews 11:6

Question: In what areas of your life is God calling you to step out in faith, even when you cannot see the results?

Quote: Faith is not seeing the results and then walking in obedience. Faith is choosing to be obedient, even when you do not see the results.

Prayer: Lord, strengthen my faith to trust in Your plans and timing. Help me to act in obedience to Your word, even when I cannot see the immediate results. Amen.

Day 3: The Power of Gratitude
Devotional: Out of the ten lepers healed by Jesus, only one returned to express his gratitude. This act of thankfulness not only acknowledged his physical healing but also led to a deeper spiritual restoration. Gratitude has the power to transform our lives and open the door to even greater blessings. When we cultivate a heart of gratitude, we recognize God’s hand in every aspect of our lives and respond with worship and praise. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to the abundance of blessings we have received.

Verse: ‘Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’ – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Question: How can you cultivate a heart of gratitude in your daily life, and what blessings can you thank God for today?

Quote: Gratitude makes all the difference.

Prayer: Lord, help me to develop a heart of gratitude. Open my eyes to see the blessings in my life and give me the grace to respond with thankfulness and praise. Amen.

Day 4: The Blessing of Obedience
Devotional: God blesses faithful obedience. The ten lepers experienced healing as they obeyed Jesus’ command to go to the priests. Their obedience, even without immediate evidence of healing, was rewarded with a miraculous transformation. This story reminds us that God honors our obedience and faithfulness. When we follow His commands and trust in His promises, we position ourselves to receive His blessings. Obedience is not always easy, but it is always rewarding.

Verse: ‘Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.’ – James 1:22

Question: Are there areas in your life where you need to be more obedient to God’s word, and how can you take steps to align your actions with His commands?
Quote: God blesses faithful obedience.

Prayer: Lord, give me the strength and determination to be obedient to Your word. Help me to trust in Your promises and follow Your commands faithfully. Amen.

Day 5: Worship and Praise
Devotional: The one leper who returned to thank Jesus did more than just express gratitude; he worshiped and praised God. This act of worship was a recognition of God’s goodness and mercy. We are reminded that God deserves our worship and praise for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Even if we never experience another good thing in our lives, the gift of salvation and forgiveness is more than we deserve. Worship is not just about singing songs; it is about living a life that honors and glorifies God in all we do.

Verse: ‘Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.’ – Psalms 103:1-4

Question: How can you incorporate worship and praise into your daily routine, and how does recognizing God’s blessings impact your relationship with Him?
Quote: God deserves our worship. He deserves our praise.

Prayer: Lord, I praise and worship You for Your goodness and mercy. Help me to live a life that honors You and reflects Your love and grace. Amen.