Unshaken | Unshakeable Generosity
Ryan DeFrain   -  

Notable Quotes:

“Generosity isn’t based on what’s going on in the world around us. It’s based on the calling that God has given us.”

“Compassion is when we empathize deeply with somebody, when we feel deeply, but it’s not just the feeling. It’s to feel in a way that we actually desire to do something, and we actually step out and do something about it.”

“Even a little in the hands of Jesus is always more than enough.”

Discussion Guide:

1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon?
2. How do you usually respond to instability and uncertainty in your life?
3. What does it mean to you to live an ‘unshaken’ life?
4. How can focusing on Jesus help us deal with life’s problems?
5. Why is compassion important in living a generous life?
6. What are some practical ways you can show generosity this week?
7. How can we ensure that our generosity is motivated by compassion and not obligation?
8. What is one step you can take to prioritize God in your life this week?