Unshaken | United In Purpose
John Decker   -  

Notable Quotes:

“Our mission is not to disinfect Christians and put them on a shelf, but to disciple people and put them back into service for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Humility is not seeking prosperity; it is a decision to use whatever prosperity God sends into my life to direct people’s attention back to God.”

“Jesus wanted us in this world, but he didn’t want us shaped by the world.”

Discussion Guide:

1. Why do you think Jesus chose to pray in His final hours?
2. What does it mean to be ‘in the world but not of the world’?
3. How can we apply the concept of ‘me for you’ in our daily lives?
4. Why is unity within the church so important?
5. What are some practical ways we can protect ourselves from the evil one?
6. How can we ensure that we are sanctified by God’s truth?
7. What role does prayer play in maintaining our unity and purpose?
8. How can we be bold in sharing the gospel in our communities?