When In Romans | Week 18 | God’s Plan | Pastor Ryan DeFrain
Ryan DeFrain   -  

Notable Quotes:

“Until you fully understand how bad the bad news is, you’ll never fully understand and grasp how good the good news of the gospel is.”

“God is not done with Israel, that a time is coming where he’s going to pour out his spirit and he’s going to pour out his grace and his mercy on the nation of Israel.”

“Everything exists because of God. And not only does everything exist because of God, everything continues to work and exists because God allows it to continue to work and exist.”

Discussion Guide:

1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon?
2. How does the metaphor of grafted branches help you understand your place in God’s plan?
3. Why is it important to recognize that Israel’s rejection is not total or final?
4. What does Paul mean by a ‘partial hardening’ of Israel, and how does it affect us today?
5. How can we guard against spiritual pride and complacency in our own lives?
6. What are some practical ways we can grow in our faith and avoid stagnation?
7. How does understanding God’s faithfulness to Israel encourage you in your own faith journey?
8. In what ways can we cultivate a heart for those who are spiritually blind or lost?