Loving The Unloveable’s – Pastor Ryan Defrain
Ryan DeFrain   -  

Notable Quotes:

“Our words either build bridges or burn them down.”

“We need to learn to speak respectfully to others, whether that’s to our friends, or even more so, to our enemies and those who have been harsh to us.”

“Most of the people who have hurt you, it comes from a place of hurt, hurt in their own life, a place of brokenness in their own life.”

Discussion Guide: 

1. What does it mean to ‘conquer evil with good’ in your own words?
2. Can you share a time when you found it difficult to love someone? How did you handle it?
3. Why do you think Paul emphasizes speaking life and not death?
4. How can we practice empathy and humility in our daily interactions?
5. What are some practical ways to be a peacemaker in conflicts?
6. How does praying for our enemies change our perspective towards them?
7. What role does forgiveness play in loving our enemies?
8. How can we apply the principle of ‘killing them with kindness’ in our lives this week?