Missionary Jonathan Farrant Impact Nations

Notable Quotes

“We tried to be normal at one point in our life, and we realized that normal is overrated.”

“Sometimes we forget that Jesus taught us to leave the 99, to go after the one.”

“God’s plan is so much greater than the enemy’s plan for your life.”

Discussion Questions: 

1. What does it mean to you to ‘not be normal’ in the context of following Jesus?
2. How can we discern God’s specific calling for our lives?
3. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him?
4. What are some ways we can ‘cast our nets on the other side’ in our own lives?
5. How can we apply the concept of ‘feeding His sheep’ in our daily interactions?
6. What role does faith play in stepping out of our comfort zones?
7. How can we support each other in our individual callings?
8. What is one step you can take this week to align more closely with God’s purpose for you?

Key Takeaways: 

1. God calls us to step out of the ‘normal’ and follow His unique path for us.
2. Aligning with God’s will can lead to unexpected blessings and opportunities.
3. Jesus emphasizes the importance of loving and serving others as a demonstration of our love for Him.
4. Faith and obedience are crucial in experiencing God’s transformative power.
5. Every individual has a valuable role in God’s kingdom, regardless of their past.