The Miracles of Jesus | Week 6 | The Untouchables | Pastor Ryan DeFrain
Ryan DeFrain   -  

Sermon Summary
This week’s sermon focused on the miracle of Jesus healing the ten lepers as described in Luke 17:11-19. The sermon highlighted three main observations: God’s embrace of the outcast, the importance of faithful obedience, and the honor God gives to gratitude. The story emphasizes that Jesus came for the broken and the outcasts, and that true faith is demonstrated through obedience. Additionally, the sermon pointed out that gratitude opens the door for greater blessings, as seen in the one leper who returned to thank Jesus and received not just physical healing but also salvation.

Notable Quotes:

“Jesus is not afraid to touch the untouchable.”

“Even if you never experience something good again in your life, you’ve already been given more than you deserve, because you’ve received salvation and forgiveness from your sins.”

“Jesus isn’t afraid of being near and embracing and drawing close to those that society would say are untouchable.”

“Gratitude actually opens the door for even greater blessing in our lives.”

“Faith is not seeing the results and then walking in obedience. Faith is choosing to be obedient, even when you do not see the results.”

1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon?
2. How do you relate to the lepers in the story?
3. Why do you think only one leper returned to thank Jesus?
4. What does faithful obedience look like in your life?
5. Can you share a time when you experienced God’s blessing through obedience?
6. How can we cultivate a heart of gratitude in our daily lives?
7. What are some practical ways to show gratitude to God and others?
8. How does understanding that Jesus came for the outcasts change your perspective on who He is?

Life Application
This week, challenge yourself to practice gratitude daily. Each day, write down three things you are thankful for and take a moment to thank God for them. Additionally, look for opportunities to obey God’s Word in your daily actions, even in small ways.

Key Takeaways
1. God embraces the outcast and the broken.
2. Faithful obedience is crucial for experiencing God’s blessings.
3. Gratitude opens the door for greater blessings.
4. Jesus’ miracles often involved those considered untouchable by society.
5. True faith is demonstrated through actions, not just words.