The Miracles of Jesus | Week 8 | Do You Believe? | Pastor Jonathan Cavalieri
Jonathan Cavalieri   -  

Notable Quotes:

“If you’re not prepared to receive backlash for the truth, then you don’t really believe what you claim.”

“My job is not to make an excuse for God’s word. My job is not to water down the power of the gospel to make you feel culturally okay and socially okay and be accepted. No, my job is to present the word of God as it was written, as it was translated, as it was intended, so that you could then experience his power.”

“God has given you an assignment. He’s given you a mandate from heaven. There is no calvary coming. There is no second plan. There is nobody coming out behind you. But God said, go make disciples. Baptize them. Preach the gospel and trust the results to him.”

Verses Used:

1. John 11

2. John 10:10

3. Exodus 15:26

4. 1 Peter 2:24

5. James 5:14

6. Job 42:10

7. Luke 4:18

8. 2 Corinthians 5:8

9. Hosea 13:14

10. 1 Corinthians 15

11. Revelation 20:14

12. Daniel 10

13. John 11:41

14. Revelation 20

1. How do you typically respond when your expectations are not met?
2. What does it mean to you to have a biblical worldview?
3. How can we cultivate a stronger faith in God’s timing and methods?
4. In what ways can we engage in spiritual warfare for the next generation?
5. How do you balance believing in God’s promises with the reality of unmet expectations?
6. What are some practical steps you can take to live out your faith more boldly?
7. How does the story of Lazarus challenge your understanding of God’s power and timing?
8. What role does prayer play in your life, especially in times of waiting and uncertainty?


Key Takeaways:
1. **God’s Timing is Perfect**
God’s ways and timing often differ from our own. While we may expect immediate answers, God may have a different plan that ultimately brings greater glory to Him and growth to us. Trusting in His timing requires faith and patience.

2. **Faith in the Midst of Disappointment**
Maintaining faith when God’s answers do not align with our expectations is crucial. Like Martha, we must declare our faith in God’s power even when we are disappointed. This faith can lead to greater revelations of God’s glory.

3. **Spiritual Warfare for the Next Generation**
There is a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation. We must be bold in our faith, engage in prayer, and proclaim God’s truth to counteract the negative influences they face.

4. **Living Out a Biblical Worldview**
A significant number of people who identify as Christians do not live according to biblical principles. We are called to not only believe in God’s Word but to let it govern our thoughts, actions, and decisions.

5. **God’s Power Over Death**
Jesus demonstrated that death is not the end but merely sleep. His power over death gives us hope and assurance that He can handle any situation we face, no matter how final it may seem.