The Miracles of Jesus | Week 8 | Victory Over Death | Pastor John Decker
John Decker   -  

Notable Quotes:

“With God, a waiting season is never a wasted season.”

“God’s delays are not God’s denials. You may be in a waiting zone right now, but a waiting season with God is never, ever a wasted season.””

The resurrection is more than an event, the resurrection is a person and his name is Jesus.”

Scripture Used:

1: John ch 11

2:John 6:35

3:John 8:12

4:John 10:9

5: John 10:11

6: John 14:6

7: John 15:5

8: Exodus 3:14

9: 1 Corinthians 2:9

10: 1 Corinthians 15

1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon about waiting on God?
2. How do you usually react when you find yourself in a waiting season?
3. Can you share a time when you experienced God’s perfect timing in your life?
4. Why do you think God allows us to go through waiting seasons?
5. How can we shift our perspective from “if only” regrets to “what if” God possibilities?
6. What are some practical ways we can strengthen our faith while waiting?
7. How does the story of Lazarus challenge or encourage your faith?
8. In what areas of your life do you need to trust God’s timing more fully?


Key Takeaways
1. **God’s Timing is Perfect**
God’s way and timing are always perfect, even when they don’t align with our expectations. He knows what is best for us and works all things for our good.

2. **Waiting is Not Wasted**
A waiting season with God is never a wasted season. During these times, God is working in us, building our character, and strengthening our faith.

3. **Trust the Process**
Trusting God’s process means believing that He is always working, even when we don’t see it. Our faith grows as we rely on His promises and His perfect plan.

4. **God Exceeds Expectations**
If God always met our expectations, He would never have the opportunity to exceed them. God’s plans are often bigger and better than we can imagine.

5. **Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life**
The resurrection is not just an event but a person—Jesus Christ. He is the life-giver and the death-defeater, and through Him, we have eternal life and hope.