The Miracles Of Jesus | Week 9 | Forgiven And Healed | Pastor Ryan DeFrain
Ryan DeFrain   -  

Notable Quotes:

“Jesus came for the lost and the hurting. And if we’re going to be on mission for him, then we’re going to be here for the lost and the hurting.”

“Forgiveness is the greatest miracle that Jesus ever performs. It meets the greatest need, it costs the greatest price, and it brings the greatest blessing and the most lasting results.”

Discussion Questions

1. What stood out to you the most in the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man?
2. How do you think the paralyzed man and his friends felt when they saw the crowd blocking their way to Jesus?
3. Why do you think Jesus chose to forgive the man’s sins before healing him physically?
4. What does this story teach us about the importance of faith and action?
5. How can we demonstrate ‘whatever it takes’ faith in our own lives?
6. Have you ever experienced a time when you had to overcome obstacles to reach a goal? How did it feel?
7. What are some practical ways we can bring others to Jesus in our daily lives?
8. How does understanding our greatest need for spiritual healing change the way we pray and seek God?