When In Romans | Week 18 | Has God Rejected Israel? | Pastor John Decker
John Decker   -  

Notable Quotes:

“God is a covenant keeping God. He doesn’t give up on his people nor reject them.”

“God is faithful even when we aren’t so faithful.”

Discussion Guide:

1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon?
2. How do you understand the concept of ‘replacement theology’ and why is it important to refute it?
3. What does the term ‘church age’ mean to you, and how does it relate to the current times we are living in?
4. How do you interpret the idea of ‘once saved, always saved’ in light of today’s message?
5. Why is it significant that God has not rejected Israel, according to Romans 11?
6. What are some signs of the times that indicate the rapture of the church is near?
7. How can we apply the concept of being ‘grafted in’ as branches to our daily lives?
8. What steps can we take to ensure we are always following Jesus and not becoming complacent in our faith?