When In Romans | Week 19 | God’s Will | Pastor Ryan DeFrain
Ryan DeFrain   -  

Notable Quotes: 

“God’s mercy has to be the starting point for us of walking out the will of God. It has to be the starting point that we are living in response to.”

“Being a living sacrifice means we’re constantly looking at our lives, and we are evaluating, asking God, is there anything I’m holding back?”

“God’s word is the primary tool that he uses for renewal. That God’s word, the Bible, is the source of truth and is the primary tool God uses to transform us.”

Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to you to present your body as a living sacrifice?
2. How do you remind yourself of God’s mercy in your daily life?
3. In what ways can we resist conformity to the world?
4. How can we practically renew our minds according to God’s Word?
5. What are some areas in your life that you find difficult to surrender to God?
6. How does understanding God’s mercy change the way you live?
7. Can you share a time when you felt transformed by the renewing of your mind?
8. What steps can you take this week to live out God’s will more fully?