When In Romans | Week 7 | Faith Changes Everything | Pastor John Decker
John Decker   -  

Sermon Summary
In this week’s sermon, we explored the profound truths of Romans Chapter 5, focusing on the benefits of justification through faith in Jesus Christ. The message highlighted that while we all face suffering and trials, these experiences do not diminish the benefits of our faith but rather enlarge them. We were reminded that failing isn’t about falling down but failing to get back up. The sermon emphasized that God’s anger is rooted in His holiness and justice, and unlike human anger, it is always controlled. We delved into the story of Abraham’s faith and were encouraged to not only believe in God but to believe God. The sermon concluded with the powerful notion that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, living in a place of privileged position, and that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Intro Prayer
Heavenly Father, as we gather today to reflect on the message we have heard, we ask for Your Spirit to guide our hearts and minds. Help us to truly grasp the depth of Your love and the peace that comes from being justified through faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ. May our discussion be fruitful and draw us closer to You. Open our eyes to the lessons You have for us, and let us be receptive to the ways You are working in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Ice Breaker
If you could pick one word to describe your past week, what would it be and why?

Key Verses
– Romans 5:1 – “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
– Romans 5:3-4 – “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

1. How does understanding God’s controlled anger, based on His holiness and justice, change your view of His character?
2. What does it mean to you to not only believe in God but to believe God, as Abraham did?
3. Can you share a time when you failed and how you got back up?
4. How does the idea of being seated with Christ in heavenly places influence your daily life?
5. In what ways have you experienced the peace of God during times of suffering?
6. How can we, as a community, support one another in times of trials and suffering?
7. What are some practical steps we can take to maintain joy and hope in the midst of challenges?
8. How does the assurance that nothing can separate us from the love of God impact your faith during difficult times?

Life Application
This week, let’s challenge ourselves to identify one area of suffering or trial we are currently facing. Commit to applying the truth that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places to this situation. Let’s also make a conscious effort to encourage someone else who is going through a difficult time, reminding them of the peace and hope we have in Jesus.

Ending Prayer
Lord, as we close our time together, we thank You for the assurance of Your love and the peace that comes from being justified by faith. May the truths we’ve discussed today take root in our hearts and bear fruit in our lives. Help us to support one another in love, to rise above our sufferings, and to live out the hope we have in You. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.